Tag Archive | happiness

Social Dreams


I am a very reflective person by nature which can be both positive or negative depending on what day it is.

I can be very indecisive and a bit of a worrier wasting o much time on everything else except just doing what I love and doing my best.

lately, I have been thinking a lot about my place in this world. Where exactly do I belong and what exactly is my calling. Ever so often I begin to question if I should take a different path but in the end my passion speaks for itself.

Do I have a place in social media? I do not know the answer to that. Who am I and what impact am I having on anyone’s life anyway, other than to bring out my feelings through writing and hope that it may help someone .

Don’t get me wrong, I want to have a positive light in this world and help make it a better place so I try to be conscious and do my best in all things.

This is not to say that I don’t fall short countless times. Sometimes the more I  make a conscious effort to not do certain things or behave in certain ways, I find myself doing them much more than before. This is a point off weakness for me. I am learning to focus instead, on the positive things and the things I would like to do, the person I would like to be to myself and others,  as this tends to work better.


We live in this world where we assume other peoples’ lives are perfect and ours aren’t, so we lust for what we think is perfection. We need to understand that social media is mostly used to  present our best , so most people won’t show the unpleasant side of life, the struggles, the pain. It’s not to say that a lot of people aren’t transparent and that we should bring people down by moaning about our problems either. I guess what I am trying to say is that we can’t look at what every one else is doing or not doing and measure our happiness and peace of mind by such standards else we are doomed to failure and disappointment.

I may not have many likes, followers, subscribers, comments or even reads on social media but when I share anything , it’s because it has helped me in one way or another. I follow people who I can learn from in some way, who give me strength to be myself and do what I want to do. I look on the positive side of it all and take away the best lessons. I don’t use it to compare my life with anyone else’s. Yes, many posts bring me joy, I get to see photos of places I have never been, get a bit of insight into different lifestyles from people around the world and their experiences, with family,  adventure and also their struggles, how they’ve overcome, how they stand up for what they believe in and this gives me hope for the future.

It is through vlogs, blogs, social media and other people openly and lovingly sharing their lives that I have become stronger, more confident and happy in who I am.

Always take the best out of everything. Don’t wish to be anyone else other than who you are. You are  just as important, talented and you can do it. Things may seem impossible right now, but be patient, be persistent and keep believing.

Timing is everything so be wise enough to know where and when to stand.

Love is free so have an open heart and an open mind.

Always find the positive in every situation and hold on and be brave, never losing sight of your dreams.

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Living someone else’s life


All this time spent conforming, living a life that wasn’t my own.
Walking in darkness and ignoring my light because according to society anything else and I would miss my calling home.

Searching, and searching for a rhythm of my own , trying to dance to other people’s drum beats when I should have been creating my own.


Deep in my heart, a very big hole, yet I kept trying while abandoning my path and weakening my soul.

My only solace :The stroke of my pen  to paper where I finally find myself and begin to create and reveal the true me straight from the creator.


Words come alive, I find my own song and freedom at last as I walk my own path.
You see, home is wherever you want it to be, not where anyone says or chooses for you.
The Kingdom is within me , always was and always will be.


So much time wasted trying to be someone else until I got the revelation that I needed to be my authentic self.

I won’t be so hard on myself , after all there should be no regrets, every experience in life is a lesson I will never forget.


Love & Light



I will always be grateful.
I will always appreciate the small things , opening the way for bigger things.
Life is about stopping to reflect, regroup, create and live fully.
Times may be tough but always find your glimmer of hope.
Stop and be grateful regardless.

Mind Nourishment


Mission Possible


Gift of Love

If Today brings you joy then bask in it
Yesterday’s pain is a lesson learnt
Tomorrow is a road uncertain
My present to you is my love wrapped up in smiles.
I long to look deep into your eyes and capture your soul
To feel the magic from your finger tips when I hold your hand
To whisper the words in my heart
To say to you exactly how I feel.
Your voice so sweet and soothing
I feel the calmness transforming into my life
I am proud to have you in my life
A friend, confidant, lover, consultant.
Today I entwine my heart to yours
Giving you all of me and not looking backwards
This is me; I am open to the season of love
I give you me now, hoping it will be forever,
But if not, these moments I’ll treasure.

Happy Anniversary

Anniversaries are about celebrating milestones, growth, love and also about reflection.

Of how far we’ve grown in our relationship, hardships overcome and how we propel forward.
It’s about love and living.

Learning from the difficulties and gaining experience along the way.
Anniversaries are a time to be grateful.
To stop and appreciate the simplest things in life.
To ponder upon how precious,  fragile, yet magnificent life is.

So today, it is with a grateful heart.
One filled with love and joy and accomplishment, that I celebrate our anniversary.

I wake up each day knowing how blessed I am to love and be loved.
To have that special someone always here in the best and worst of times.

Today we celebrate our love.
Everyday we are alive is a day I am thankful.
The good, bad and indifferent,  all teach us how to be better friends and lovers.
We grow, we learn, we live to enjoy our blessings.

Happy anniversary to my heart.
The one who I always look forward to going home to.
The one I enjoy spending every moment with.
The one who listens to my wild ideas.
Who cheers me on.
Who supports me wholeheartedly in making the best decisions.
The one who buys me flowers just to say I love you whether or not it’s a special occasion.

A Casual Conversation

An unexpected cold has come on from nowhere really.

My head is so stuffy and my nose and throat feel like they are on fire.

My body feels a bit weary , yet my mind is busy, busy going many miles an hour so I’ve decided to slow down for a bit and listen to my body.

This week found me trying to re-evaluate things, reconnect , reflect, do some soul searching  and  a bit of tweaking.

My life these days is filled with finding my creativity and coming up with worth while projects to benefit those I come into contact with.

It’s not always easy and there are always many ideas and sometimes no direction or sense of implementing them.

It can be a bit frustrating when you want to do so much , yet resources are so limited.

Nevertheless, the show must go on and dreams keep coming.

This week I thought I would take a chance to de-clutter my brain and try to find clarity with many things.

There is work, there’s family, relationships, friends, hobbies, dreams and ideas all needing nurturing.

There are many subsets to these compartments in life.

It’s nice to be free and go with the flow, but then one also needs discipline and deadlines to achieve anything.

I figure this is where it begins.

If I want to write, then I need to write more and be consistent.

To maintain relationships, one must find time to ring, text, email and or visit, as time goes quickly leaving room for regrets and ‘what ifs’ .

If I want to be more creative, then I need to open myself to more ideas, different ways of doing things, be open to change and be brave as I allow myself to explore.

There are dreams and aspirations and all those little things that become big things when they drive our passion and desires.

Life is about balance, about love, about looking after ourselves.

This brings me to a new focus which is nothing to do with crazy dieting, but well balanced health.

Eating and drinking right, having enough exercise and sleep.

At this point, sleep is not as straight forward for me as it could be.

I have always had this love -hate relationship with sleep where I love it and would sometimes like more of it especially at nights but it is quite the opposite.

I am a nocturnal person and it can be very difficult to go to bed at a decent time but I do try .

When that doesn’t happen, I try to use my time wisely and productively to create, dream, build and find ways forward.

I know that I only have one body, and as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I appreciate life a lot more than I ever did before.

All the simple things in life make me happy.

I am being more of who I am and I worry less and less of what others may think.

I am more considerate and compassionate.

I am finding my inner child again and dreaming big once more,

I see people for who they are and enjoy trying to get to know and understand them.

I am much more open to other ideas and ways of thinking.

I can listen without imposing my point of view .

I don’t have to argue just because I disagree and this is making life much more easy for me.

I embrace this world , its people, all of creation and I embrace me.

I know this may have been all over the place today and I apologise if I bore anyone but it feels so good just emptying my brain.

With  much love and light

until next time.



2014…and the best is yet to come


At this time of year, many people are reflecting and evaluating life and some may find it cliche but for me this is important.

I debated whether I should do ‘yet another year in review style post‘, but the fact is, this is important to me.

2014 has not been without its hurdles and battles but hey, I must have won because on  the Eve of a New Year, I am standing tall.

I have accomplished things I never thought possible.

I have smiled, I have cried, but most importantly I have grown.

This year has taught me how to find inner peace and joy.


I have smiled through many testing situations.

I have learnt patience…though I still have a long way to go.

I have learnt to highlight the positive and ignore the negative.

I have been brave, bold, courageous and strong.

2014 saw the rekindling of old friendships and strengthening bonds.


I have had the courage to be myself and not worry too much about what anyone thinks.

I have opened up in ways I can only dream.

I have grown by leaps and bounds.

I have rediscovered who I truly am.

I have found new interests and hobbies.

I have gained a broader perspective on life .

My passion and desire for many things old and new have resurfaced .

I have enjoyed amazing experiences.


I have visited exciting places.

Major changes have allowed my life’s dreams to become a reality.

2014 will always hold  a special place in my heart.

I became a fiancee in 2014 at Harry Potter World. ( In my eyes, the perfect proposal)


We had a nice holiday with great friends.

We started redecorating our love nest and made a few big joint purchases.

This may not sound exciting but that’s things crossed off our to do list.

Most of all we celebrated  love in many ways, including a wonderful Christmas with family.

One of my  sisters had her first child so I gained another nephew…( number 4)

Though my family is scattered across the globe, I feel blessed for the little ones who will hopefully turn into loving, compassionate adults.

Like everything, there were ups and downs.


There were additions and subtractions as we go out of the old and into the new.

The good memories will be cherished.

The most important thing is to forgive ourself and each other for the times we’ve messed up .

This year I smile with pride as I review my goals and achievement.

My dream board isn’t far off and there are many things on my list I can tick off with a smile.

My heart is happy and I am feeling blessed.

It is with much gratitude I end this year .

I am very happy, joyful, free, at peace, but most of all grateful.

This year is just a glimpse into an amazing year ahead.

Thank you 2014, you have been an absolute eye opener.

You’ve turned me into a dream catcher and you have rekindled my passion for living a full life.


The best is yet to come……

A Leap Of Faith

Many times life throws the biggest curve ball at us.
We sit there waiting for a hit,  trying to read the balls coming at us fast and furious.
Sometimes we don’t even see these balls so in the moment we have to think and act very quickly.

These are the moments that make or break us.
Split second decisions that may turn out to be rational or irrational and whatever happens, in that  moment the damage is done.

It’s not to say that in many instances we can’t rectify wrongs and learn along the way,  but in certain cases it’s better to avoid heartache and live a life less complicated.

This is to say that we can plan but don’t be disheartened when plans fall by the wayside too.
It’s up to each one of us to regroup and carry on.
This applies to a multitude of situations.
Be it people, life goals, experiences and self evaluation or reflection.

As time draws on we look back and sum up achievements, tweak ideas, open our minds,  experience new things and broaden our vision.
Life is all about changes, growth and learning.

Find the time to do the things you really want to do.
Don’t be afraid or ashamed to dream big.
Start small if you need to,  or take a leap of faith.
There is always something exciting to explore.
Always more dreams to dreams.
People to love and be kind to.
Canvases to paint.
Stories to write and endings to recreate.
Take that little light within and let it shine throughout.
Make mistakes if you need to then learn and move on.

You hold your today in your hands so make it count.
Live the best life possible.
Be bold
Be Brave
Be courageous
Be strong.

Be who you are and never be scared of your vision.

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