Tag Archive | possibilities

2014…and the best is yet to come


At this time of year, many people are reflecting and evaluating life and some may find it cliche but for me this is important.

I debated whether I should do ‘yet another year in review style post‘, but the fact is, this is important to me.

2014 has not been without its hurdles and battles but hey, I must have won because on  the Eve of a New Year, I am standing tall.

I have accomplished things I never thought possible.

I have smiled, I have cried, but most importantly I have grown.

This year has taught me how to find inner peace and joy.


I have smiled through many testing situations.

I have learnt patience…though I still have a long way to go.

I have learnt to highlight the positive and ignore the negative.

I have been brave, bold, courageous and strong.

2014 saw the rekindling of old friendships and strengthening bonds.


I have had the courage to be myself and not worry too much about what anyone thinks.

I have opened up in ways I can only dream.

I have grown by leaps and bounds.

I have rediscovered who I truly am.

I have found new interests and hobbies.

I have gained a broader perspective on life .

My passion and desire for many things old and new have resurfaced .

I have enjoyed amazing experiences.


I have visited exciting places.

Major changes have allowed my life’s dreams to become a reality.

2014 will always hold  a special place in my heart.

I became a fiancee in 2014 at Harry Potter World. ( In my eyes, the perfect proposal)


We had a nice holiday with great friends.

We started redecorating our love nest and made a few big joint purchases.

This may not sound exciting but that’s things crossed off our to do list.

Most of all we celebrated  love in many ways, including a wonderful Christmas with family.

One of my  sisters had her first child so I gained another nephew…( number 4)

Though my family is scattered across the globe, I feel blessed for the little ones who will hopefully turn into loving, compassionate adults.

Like everything, there were ups and downs.


There were additions and subtractions as we go out of the old and into the new.

The good memories will be cherished.

The most important thing is to forgive ourself and each other for the times we’ve messed up .

This year I smile with pride as I review my goals and achievement.

My dream board isn’t far off and there are many things on my list I can tick off with a smile.

My heart is happy and I am feeling blessed.

It is with much gratitude I end this year .

I am very happy, joyful, free, at peace, but most of all grateful.

This year is just a glimpse into an amazing year ahead.

Thank you 2014, you have been an absolute eye opener.

You’ve turned me into a dream catcher and you have rekindled my passion for living a full life.


The best is yet to come……

Progress Bullies


Anyone can say and do anything but it is up to us how and if we react.
Some people have self issues, and in order to disguise them, they become bullies. They abuse others verbally and even physically.

There comes a point where we need to take a stance.
We have to work on our own self confidence and know how to deal with inner conflicts so those issues don’t eat away at us. Know that no matter what’s going on outside,  we can be always free and happy within.


Once we know our worth,  then we don’t allow other people to dictate how we feel and what we do. We may empathise with people,  but not to the degree where it affects us negatively.

Know who you are, say your name in the mirror if you have to.
” I am…. and I am worthy. I can do anything I set my mind too. I am loved and I love myself no matter what. I was created for greatness and I am destined for greatness!”

Be your own champion, cheerleader and motivator.  Don’t be bullied,  don’t be a bully. Stand up tall.
Keep your goals close to your heart and keep striving towards them. Some may say you can’t but you’ve got to know in your heart that you can.  Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough,  if you’re patient enough and passionate enough to have that determination.

Hold your head up high. There are many naysayers who will try to slow you down or shut you down but keep going.
Leave the doubters by the wayside. Shut those bullies up with your progress.

Surround yourself with positive people and never lose sight of your vision.

Remember,  no one can make you feel anything less than you are,  unless you give them permission.
Be you, be free, go out and be the best that you can be.


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