Tag Archive | living

2014…and the best is yet to come


At this time of year, many people are reflecting and evaluating life and some may find it cliche but for me this is important.

I debated whether I should do ‘yet another year in review style post‘, but the fact is, this is important to me.

2014 has not been without its hurdles and battles but hey, I must have won because on  the Eve of a New Year, I am standing tall.

I have accomplished things I never thought possible.

I have smiled, I have cried, but most importantly I have grown.

This year has taught me how to find inner peace and joy.


I have smiled through many testing situations.

I have learnt patience…though I still have a long way to go.

I have learnt to highlight the positive and ignore the negative.

I have been brave, bold, courageous and strong.

2014 saw the rekindling of old friendships and strengthening bonds.


I have had the courage to be myself and not worry too much about what anyone thinks.

I have opened up in ways I can only dream.

I have grown by leaps and bounds.

I have rediscovered who I truly am.

I have found new interests and hobbies.

I have gained a broader perspective on life .

My passion and desire for many things old and new have resurfaced .

I have enjoyed amazing experiences.


I have visited exciting places.

Major changes have allowed my life’s dreams to become a reality.

2014 will always hold  a special place in my heart.

I became a fiancee in 2014 at Harry Potter World. ( In my eyes, the perfect proposal)


We had a nice holiday with great friends.

We started redecorating our love nest and made a few big joint purchases.

This may not sound exciting but that’s things crossed off our to do list.

Most of all we celebrated  love in many ways, including a wonderful Christmas with family.

One of my  sisters had her first child so I gained another nephew…( number 4)

Though my family is scattered across the globe, I feel blessed for the little ones who will hopefully turn into loving, compassionate adults.

Like everything, there were ups and downs.


There were additions and subtractions as we go out of the old and into the new.

The good memories will be cherished.

The most important thing is to forgive ourself and each other for the times we’ve messed up .

This year I smile with pride as I review my goals and achievement.

My dream board isn’t far off and there are many things on my list I can tick off with a smile.

My heart is happy and I am feeling blessed.

It is with much gratitude I end this year .

I am very happy, joyful, free, at peace, but most of all grateful.

This year is just a glimpse into an amazing year ahead.

Thank you 2014, you have been an absolute eye opener.

You’ve turned me into a dream catcher and you have rekindled my passion for living a full life.


The best is yet to come……

Embrace your rainbow

Forbidden territory they say, where some wish to go, some are scared to go and those who do, can’t help but stay. A place where those who believe in being themselves reside. Sometimes with fear, sometimes reservation, nevertheless, taking that bold step by putting one foot forward and slowly embracing all of who they are. It’s about finding that place of happiness, of joy, of being free in self, no matter what the masses believe. To live in compassion and love. To build in love and be a positive asset to any society regardless of preferences. To affect positive change. To nurture young minds to know that there is no such thing as normalcy, except an oppressive conditioning by a sect to rule and divide. This is who we are as a people and my time to seek and come to my own understanding of life. Making it work day by day, while giving gratitude for life, and what is at it is. Who else should we be but our self? Who we are as beings in the universe, whether we agree to disagree. I understand the significance of having pride, by living our rainbows and that sure makes me smile. So no, I don’t need to be right.Image

It’s what you want but is it what you need?

I could waste my life away regretting things that I’ve done and things that I should have done but what would that change? ABSOUTELY NOTHING!!  We need to learn from the past and keep going. Looking back to reflect and go forward is healthy. Dwelling in that past is a disease that slowly eats away at our core. Breaking us bit by bit until we become nothing and wallow in self pity, blaming everyone and every thing. Do yourself a favour, give yourself an awakening.
Stop beating yourself up with your perceived failures. Have you ever stopped to think that it simply wasn’t meant to be? I know, sometimes it’s difficult to accept that what you want so badly, isn’t what you need.

Take time for yourself so you can regroup, evaluate, reflect, and go forward. Don’t give up on dreams but listen to your heart. It directs you in perfect timing.