Tag Archive | persevere

Don’t stand in the way of your light

Now and then we get distracted on our journey .
We need to be reminded of our goals and mission in life.
We find ourselves at crossroads and there are road blocks and mental blocks slowing us down.

There is no shame in that .
We aren’t perfect beings and as such sometimes we lose focus .
The important thing in life is to get back on track and work harder.
There at times when our creative juices stop flowing and we seem to be making no progress.

Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Regroup, strategise and arm yourself for battle. Get back on the saddle and do it for your future.

In life we have hopes and dreams but fear , shame, self doubt and low self-esteem can cloud our vision if we let them.

We need to decide what things and people to keep in our Iives.
We have to be willing to let go and keep moving.
Some changes are needed in order to be successful.

Know what you want in life and go after it. There are times when we will be less motivated but to accomplish anything we can’t stop when things don’t seem to go our way. We have to push on through and persevere.

Our hopes and dreams can become reality. If we want things badly enough then we can’t be standing in our light, we need to be the light.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Living someone else’s life


All this time spent conforming, living a life that wasn’t my own.
Walking in darkness and ignoring my light because according to society anything else and I would miss my calling home.

Searching, and searching for a rhythm of my own , trying to dance to other people’s drum beats when I should have been creating my own.


Deep in my heart, a very big hole, yet I kept trying while abandoning my path and weakening my soul.

My only solace :The stroke of my pen  to paper where I finally find myself and begin to create and reveal the true me straight from the creator.


Words come alive, I find my own song and freedom at last as I walk my own path.
You see, home is wherever you want it to be, not where anyone says or chooses for you.
The Kingdom is within me , always was and always will be.


So much time wasted trying to be someone else until I got the revelation that I needed to be my authentic self.

I won’t be so hard on myself , after all there should be no regrets, every experience in life is a lesson I will never forget.


Love & Light