Tag Archive | mentors



Success and Discipline

To succeed in life, we need to be disciplined.  The more organised and focused we are, the quicker we accomplish our goals.

We have to know what we want, devise a plan and no matter what obstacles stand in the way, keep the vision alive and never give up or get side tracked.

How can we expect great  results if we don’t know what we’re working towards. Start with a vision, a plan and have that fire in your belly.

When other people succeed, be happy for them instead of being negative or jealous.  Find out what worked for them, and figure out what will work for you.

Learning from Others

Pick out the positive aspects of things and people and use it as a learning tool, a stepping stone. Allow other people’s successes to ignite your fire.

Wake up in the morning knowing that you’re going to be productive.  If you’re not where you wish to be, start where you’re at and work towards a goal. Have a winner’s mindset. Know that with discipline and effort,  there will be great payoffs.

Social Media

Social media is what you make of it. Used wisely it can be an advantageous tool. Misused, it becomes a distraction.  One of the fastest ways of promoting anything is via social media outlets. Things go viral within seconds, and the world becomes our platform. It’s up to us if we would rather get distracted by spending too much time being unproductive,  or we use these tools to our advantage in building our businesses,  dreams or getting exposure that will help move us forward and achieve our dreams.

Keep Focused

To live without vision is to not live at all. Know your gifts, have a goal, dream big dreams, live with purpose  and keep that vision at the forefront of your mind. If there is enough fire, the how will come later.  Start with the what,  be proactive and the path shall be cleared.

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How to hold on while letting go

Sometimes we lose people in our lives through death, through distance, miscommunication or whatever it may be.
It’s really difficult when you want to hold on so tight, but need to let go.
Today is a lesson in holding on,  while letting go.

Remember the good times.
It’s no point tarnishing an experience by focusing on the things that give rise to negative energy.  We need to hold on to the things that made us smile, the moments that took our breath away, the times when we thought it would last forever, and while holding on to these, we need to learn to let go.

Letting go is never easy. It takes effort to release the familiar but we have to know that there is another experience waiting. How do you let go of someone or something whose been taken from you? A child, through divorce, separation, relationship breakdown, death, distance, family, home,  How does one do it all? A mother, a father whom one has known all their life. A sister, a brother,  a mentor, a friend.

How do you let go of losing all that you’ve created from scratch through a fire, foreclosure or whatever it may be. You hold on to what joy it brought, but you let go of the pain because you know whatever you created once can be done again. 

This life gives us both joy and pain. They say there can’t be any sunshine without the rain. Yes we are human beings so off course we will hurt and feel pain.

How do we move on?
Step by step, day by day, it gets easier. You remember the good times,  you cherish and honour the memories. You make every day count while they are part of your life. You treasure them and take nothing for granted.  For when they part, there can be no ‘ifs and whys’.

Go into every experience whole heartedly.  Hold nothing back. Show love everyday. Don’t miss a moment to say and show how you feel. In times of need, these moments will pull you through the darkest of nights and the extremely long days of pain.

Never harden your heart. Never be scared to give everything your all. Don’t live in fear of what if. Go all the way. Make your memories,  create your laughter and dream big dreams.

Life gives, life takes, the cycle continues. Make memories that nothing can break. Sometimes we have to let go in the middle of holding on. Life goes on.

Keep growing, keep loving, keep building. It gets better.

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