Tag Archive | building

Love the Healer

Love rights every wrong.
Love wins over hatred.
Love heals the deepest wounds.
Love puts broken pieces back together.
Love teaches kindness and empathy.

Love makes the world a brighter place.
Love brings light into darkness.
Love saves lives.
Love brings the world together.

Love heals every hurt that the heart endured.
Love strengthens the weak and builds nations.
Love bring peace to humanity.

Love and light.

Posted from WordPress for Android

How to hold on while letting go

Sometimes we lose people in our lives through death, through distance, miscommunication or whatever it may be.
It’s really difficult when you want to hold on so tight, but need to let go.
Today is a lesson in holding on,  while letting go.

Remember the good times.
It’s no point tarnishing an experience by focusing on the things that give rise to negative energy.  We need to hold on to the things that made us smile, the moments that took our breath away, the times when we thought it would last forever, and while holding on to these, we need to learn to let go.

Letting go is never easy. It takes effort to release the familiar but we have to know that there is another experience waiting. How do you let go of someone or something whose been taken from you? A child, through divorce, separation, relationship breakdown, death, distance, family, home,  How does one do it all? A mother, a father whom one has known all their life. A sister, a brother,  a mentor, a friend.

How do you let go of losing all that you’ve created from scratch through a fire, foreclosure or whatever it may be. You hold on to what joy it brought, but you let go of the pain because you know whatever you created once can be done again. 

This life gives us both joy and pain. They say there can’t be any sunshine without the rain. Yes we are human beings so off course we will hurt and feel pain.

How do we move on?
Step by step, day by day, it gets easier. You remember the good times,  you cherish and honour the memories. You make every day count while they are part of your life. You treasure them and take nothing for granted.  For when they part, there can be no ‘ifs and whys’.

Go into every experience whole heartedly.  Hold nothing back. Show love everyday. Don’t miss a moment to say and show how you feel. In times of need, these moments will pull you through the darkest of nights and the extremely long days of pain.

Never harden your heart. Never be scared to give everything your all. Don’t live in fear of what if. Go all the way. Make your memories,  create your laughter and dream big dreams.

Life gives, life takes, the cycle continues. Make memories that nothing can break. Sometimes we have to let go in the middle of holding on. Life goes on.

Keep growing, keep loving, keep building. It gets better.

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Imperfectly Perfect

You are my imperfectly perfect match ♥ I absolutely adore the pants off you sunshine ♥ Today is my forever and my forever is today ♥ I give that of myself from the deepest place of my being to your heart ♥ I do, do you? ♥

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

The heart of the matter

One very sad aspect of the human nature is the ‘ I and ME’ factor. Too often we become so self absorbed that we forget how to be tender beings. We lose balance, we treat our fellow humans unfairly. We use them and discard them, after they have served our selfish purposes.

We take other people’s kindness for weakness and trample on their good nature. We turn good people selfish when they’ve had enough of our ‘usage and abusage’.

How can this world enjoy true balance when all we do is take and take with no thought for giving. Our motives are forever self serving. We do not give generously. We bribe our way to people’s hearts, then drop them with no regard.

Everyone is so busy wanting bigger and better, with no regard to the human or natural resources. People only stop to pay attention when they are affected, which often is too late.

What happened to
good old love? Why all this selfishness, hidden agendas and throwaway culture?
It’s time to get back to the heart of the matter. What this world needs is love.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone