Tag Archive | circumstances

The up down and inbetween

The last few days have been stormy weather to say the least.
The wind has been battering  everything in sight and it’s been raining heavily.

The sea is quite choppy and the waves seem to be angry. Dark clouds have blanketed the skies but inbetween all of this, the sun still comes out to smile.

It feels like winter is battling with spring but change is inevitable and spring will come.
For every dark cloud that over shadows, the sky will be clear again.
Even  raging waters will become calm.
The wind will seize and so will the rain because life is all about changes.

Just as the weather changes, so to does life and circumstances.
It won’t always be sunshine, nor will it always rain.
Storms will rage and then there will be calm.

Know that no matter what you’re going through, things will get better.
There is hope.
Your storm will pass.

Love & Light.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Poetic Healings 2

We MUST  look to the future with new eyes.
Eyes that are willing to see beyond the obstacles and a will to persevere against all obstacles.

We MUST carry on and remind ourselves that ‘this too shall pass‘.

Life is about freedom, joy, happiness and inner peace regardless of current circumstances.
Any day alive is a blessing.
We are  blessed and  destined for greatness, even when difficulties make us feel hopeless.

We are stars, born to shine and destined for greatness.

Love & Light

Posted from WordPress for Android

A run through my Sunday

Sunday morning lay in and snuggles with my complimentary half. A bit of purring from the fur babies and some cuddles too. Following that, a bit of putting things away and a tidy. A nice hot rewarding shower in preparation to get out the house. A walk to Farmers market. Not much to see today, but I did get a jar of mango chutney,  muffins and a scone. On to a bit of lifting and shifting to help someone in need. Lots of laughter and chatter even though this was under unfortunate circumstances. Everything happens for a reason and let’s remember the happy times while healing. Off to the Scouts hut for their table top sale. We got ourselves a bargain we couldn’t resist. New bedding set. Lovely colours to brighten the bedroom. Just in time for our soon to be redocorating shenanigans. More chit chat and hellos while browsing. Now off to the madre in law for a yummy Sunday roast. So what have I got to be grateful for? Lots!! Life, love, freedom,  sharing meals,  improvements in the weather, relationships,  laughter, fellowship, my faculties,  my health,  a warm loving home great friends who are like family and the list goes on. Off course I will count my blessings. Life could be worse. Happy Sunday all. What have you got to be grateful for? Posted from WordPress for Android

A Casual Conversation

An unexpected cold has come on from nowhere really.

My head is so stuffy and my nose and throat feel like they are on fire.

My body feels a bit weary , yet my mind is busy, busy going many miles an hour so I’ve decided to slow down for a bit and listen to my body.

This week found me trying to re-evaluate things, reconnect , reflect, do some soul searching  and  a bit of tweaking.

My life these days is filled with finding my creativity and coming up with worth while projects to benefit those I come into contact with.

It’s not always easy and there are always many ideas and sometimes no direction or sense of implementing them.

It can be a bit frustrating when you want to do so much , yet resources are so limited.

Nevertheless, the show must go on and dreams keep coming.

This week I thought I would take a chance to de-clutter my brain and try to find clarity with many things.

There is work, there’s family, relationships, friends, hobbies, dreams and ideas all needing nurturing.

There are many subsets to these compartments in life.

It’s nice to be free and go with the flow, but then one also needs discipline and deadlines to achieve anything.

I figure this is where it begins.

If I want to write, then I need to write more and be consistent.

To maintain relationships, one must find time to ring, text, email and or visit, as time goes quickly leaving room for regrets and ‘what ifs’ .

If I want to be more creative, then I need to open myself to more ideas, different ways of doing things, be open to change and be brave as I allow myself to explore.

There are dreams and aspirations and all those little things that become big things when they drive our passion and desires.

Life is about balance, about love, about looking after ourselves.

This brings me to a new focus which is nothing to do with crazy dieting, but well balanced health.

Eating and drinking right, having enough exercise and sleep.

At this point, sleep is not as straight forward for me as it could be.

I have always had this love -hate relationship with sleep where I love it and would sometimes like more of it especially at nights but it is quite the opposite.

I am a nocturnal person and it can be very difficult to go to bed at a decent time but I do try .

When that doesn’t happen, I try to use my time wisely and productively to create, dream, build and find ways forward.

I know that I only have one body, and as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I appreciate life a lot more than I ever did before.

All the simple things in life make me happy.

I am being more of who I am and I worry less and less of what others may think.

I am more considerate and compassionate.

I am finding my inner child again and dreaming big once more,

I see people for who they are and enjoy trying to get to know and understand them.

I am much more open to other ideas and ways of thinking.

I can listen without imposing my point of view .

I don’t have to argue just because I disagree and this is making life much more easy for me.

I embrace this world , its people, all of creation and I embrace me.

I know this may have been all over the place today and I apologise if I bore anyone but it feels so good just emptying my brain.

With  much love and light

until next time.



Stepping Stone



Sometimes in order to live the life we truly want, without restrictions or being held back, we have to let go.

To let go and move on  can be a very difficult concept because this means getting out of our comfort zone.

In order to move forward, we may have to give it all up and start over. 

It can be a very difficult concept, but if it is what needs to be done, then we have to be focused and carry on.

Having a vision is one thing, actually getting up and being proactive is another.

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Change is always scary, no one denies. However, we have to break things up and shake things to restructure our lives.

The journey may not be  smooth and we may have to leave things and people behind, but looking back upon arrival to our destination, one knows it has been worth it.

Quotes About Moving Forward 0004-6 (11)

Always aspire to be the best that you can be. 

Don’t be shy to go after what you desire, regardless of what anyone else may think.

Only you know your potential and your abilities are limitless.

Our mind are powerful tools. Even when the physical body is tired, the mind is still active. In many cases, the mind wills the body back to life.

Go on forward, make waves, jump over hurdles, and then you can enjoy the sand between your toes.

It is true what they say. “Life is what we make it.”

Make it worthwhile.

Enjoy all of creation.

Build your dreams, keep creating, keep aspiring, be inspired.


Do not let anything stunt your growth.

Keep reaching for the light.

Only you know your desires and how badly you want them .

Always have that passion for something.

Give life meaning in whatever situation you find yourself in.

Open your heart and be willing to receive as well as give.

Be open to compliments, to love, to learning, to living abundantly.

Think for yourself, make use of opportunities.

Be fierce and don’t apologies for your strengths.

Embrace your gifts and talents and use them for the good of mankind.


Whatever path you follow, be sure it makes you happy, it brings you peace.

Place your feet on your stepping stone and move towards higher heights.

You are, you can be, you will be.

The question is…




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Slow Down



We live in a busy world where everyone needs everything right now .

This has caused us to lose our way, lose sight of who we are,  what we are , and our purpose.

slow down

slow down

slow down...You’re moving too fast!


Today we make a conscious effort to stop and listen to the birds and the bees.

Today we stop and feel the breeze as the wind sways the trees.

Today we stop to breathe in, breathe out.

If we don’t slow down the pace, we will miss all of what this life has to offer.


This life is a gift. We need to appreciate it a bit more. 

Spend more time doing the things that we love with the people we love.

Let go of the things that causes us pain and strive and refill our lives with positive things and people.

This is the time of year where flowers start to bloom.

This is time for humans  to bloom. Let’s put our best foot forward, regardless of circumstances.

It’s time to relax and let joy and peace fill our lives. 


Today we slow down as we count our blessings.

We see that for whatever situation may seem difficult right now, it could be worse.

We slow down and say thank you for what we have.

Thank you for the dreams we hold dear.

Thank you for a heart that can choose love.

Thank you for the choice to choose.

Thank you for the breath of life that keeps us going.

Thank you for inspiration, for mentors, for all the gifts that money can’t buy.



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Healing Souls


It’s in our nature to rid ourselves of shame and lay the blame.

Things seem so much easier when we rid ourselves of responsibilities and don’t want to account for anything.

Even when we are hurt by things or people, forgiveness is the only thing that will bring the relief that we desire. It’s okay to forgive, it doesn’t mean you must forget. After all, ‘once bitten, twice shy ‘.

Give yourself a break. You feel like you always make mistakes?

So what, that’s life. We live, we learn, we move on sometimes we make mistakes all over again. You can either call us stupid or it can make us stronger. Either way , life goes on. It’s a cycle.

Now the thing about cycles is that we have to be careful of the constant web and circles that we find ourselves in. Though wisdom comes with experience, foolishness is no character trait to be proud of. The key point about making mistakes is to regroup and learn.

Can we learn from blaming others for where they have gotten us or what they have put us through? Truth may be that they did have a hand in our unravelling, but even that is not the important thing to note. How do we go on from there. Do we spend time blaming for the circumstances that we are in, the cards that we have been dealt, or do we put our best foot forward and recreate our story?

You see, just because someone kicks us to the ground, is no reason for us to stay there with our face in the dirt, begging for self pity. We get back up stronger than before and become a force to be reckon with. We take that negative energy and turn it around , because what was meant for evil will turn out for good, but we too must help our karma. That which we put in is that which will return. So let us not sit by and marinate in self pity, hate, self blame, blaming everyone and everything instead of taking a stance and commanding our lives.

Let’s drop that victim mentality and and focus on creating and building not expecting and waiting. If someone doesn’t want to see you flourish, you focus your energy and put all your efforts into creating positive and successful results. If they must stand by and feed off negativity, then woe be onto them, but shake it off and use that brush. Whatever people hate so much in others, is something that is buried deep within themselves. With hatred and intolerance is a trace of fear and ignorance. A very present fear of difference, instead of educating and embracing, we choose segregation and try to be superior. We think that we are better than, or sometimes lesser than when what we should be striving for is equality in every capacity. 

All our energy and efforts and talent could make such mind blowing beautiful creation, but we choose to waste all of that on the negative.

Next time someone hurt you, abandon you, attack you, summon that lion within and put out that fighting spirit and show them you can rise above their ignorance and that you are destined for prosperity. They can choose to work with you or see your back while you move forward. 

Own who you are. No one can take you away from the true you, unless you grant them permission. How we choose to allow others to treat us is up to us. What we are willing to tolerate and how we are prepared to stand up for ourselves is down to us as individuals. 

No one can enter the core of your being and take from you what is embedded deep within, so it’s up to you if you want to hand them your soul so they can tear you down or you acknowledge the fact that you are deserving of love, of respect, of kindness and compassion and that you are EQUAL.


Wet Thursday

It’s a very Wet Thursday today, so I know that some are moaning about that. Hey, be grateful! In some parts of the world people are begging that it would rain so their crops can grow, to feed their family. What are you moaning about.

Put your wellies on, wear a jacket, put your hat on, bring your brolly and dance in the rain. Live in gratitude, because it’s in celebrating the simpe things that blessings flow.

It’s a wet Thursday but don’t let it rain on your joy. Keep going, keep dancing. Live in freedom that circumstances will not weigh down upon or remove that joy within.

Happy Thursday. Be blessed!

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