Tag Archive | awareness

A Casual Conversation

An unexpected cold has come on from nowhere really.

My head is so stuffy and my nose and throat feel like they are on fire.

My body feels a bit weary , yet my mind is busy, busy going many miles an hour so I’ve decided to slow down for a bit and listen to my body.

This week found me trying to re-evaluate things, reconnect , reflect, do some soul searching  and  a bit of tweaking.

My life these days is filled with finding my creativity and coming up with worth while projects to benefit those I come into contact with.

It’s not always easy and there are always many ideas and sometimes no direction or sense of implementing them.

It can be a bit frustrating when you want to do so much , yet resources are so limited.

Nevertheless, the show must go on and dreams keep coming.

This week I thought I would take a chance to de-clutter my brain and try to find clarity with many things.

There is work, there’s family, relationships, friends, hobbies, dreams and ideas all needing nurturing.

There are many subsets to these compartments in life.

It’s nice to be free and go with the flow, but then one also needs discipline and deadlines to achieve anything.

I figure this is where it begins.

If I want to write, then I need to write more and be consistent.

To maintain relationships, one must find time to ring, text, email and or visit, as time goes quickly leaving room for regrets and ‘what ifs’ .

If I want to be more creative, then I need to open myself to more ideas, different ways of doing things, be open to change and be brave as I allow myself to explore.

There are dreams and aspirations and all those little things that become big things when they drive our passion and desires.

Life is about balance, about love, about looking after ourselves.

This brings me to a new focus which is nothing to do with crazy dieting, but well balanced health.

Eating and drinking right, having enough exercise and sleep.

At this point, sleep is not as straight forward for me as it could be.

I have always had this love -hate relationship with sleep where I love it and would sometimes like more of it especially at nights but it is quite the opposite.

I am a nocturnal person and it can be very difficult to go to bed at a decent time but I do try .

When that doesn’t happen, I try to use my time wisely and productively to create, dream, build and find ways forward.

I know that I only have one body, and as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I appreciate life a lot more than I ever did before.

All the simple things in life make me happy.

I am being more of who I am and I worry less and less of what others may think.

I am more considerate and compassionate.

I am finding my inner child again and dreaming big once more,

I see people for who they are and enjoy trying to get to know and understand them.

I am much more open to other ideas and ways of thinking.

I can listen without imposing my point of view .

I don’t have to argue just because I disagree and this is making life much more easy for me.

I embrace this world , its people, all of creation and I embrace me.

I know this may have been all over the place today and I apologise if I bore anyone but it feels so good just emptying my brain.

With  much love and light

until next time.



Finding your freedom

There is so much freedom in understanding what matters, in opening our hearts, our minds, and touching the deepest parts of ourself and each other.

Learning to love without motives.
Freedom from all that render us captive. Oh how alive we feel, when we truly live in awareness and enlightenment.

May your day be peaceful and blessed. ♥

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Light You Home


Every light has a story. Every being goes through its own journey. In knowing who we truly are, we must let go of  who we think we are. The influence of culture, religion, family, friends, politicians and the like, sometimes shape us and wrongfully define us.

In order to find our path, we must strip off all these exterior labels and things which hold us from truly seeing who and what we are within. Deep inside your true self, minus any influences, is the real us. This is when we become who and what we were truly created to be. Love and awareness must become us, and we must indeed become love and awareness, until they are but one in the same.

We cannot expect anyone to set us free. It’s only when we understand our being, that we begin to realise our dreams and reality. Everything within comes from us. Everything without must reflect within. Each experience is part of the journey. Do not hold on too, or rely on any one thing or individual, or source for happiness. Seek joy, peace, wisdom, find your light and live your light.

Your part in this world is to be love, show love, be aware, be enlightened, and enlighten others. The answer are in the smallest of things. The simplest becomes the most significant. The lessons are simple, yet difficult to understand. When we try to control everyone and everything we lose our objective. 

In teaching love, we cannot teach hate. In releasing we cannot try holding on. In truly knowing, we can no longer be lost. There is a power beyond comprehension working to bring us our true home. 


Let it guide you there. Let it free you. Let it teach you, let it embrace you and wash you. Let it show you who you really are, not what you think you should be. Let it light you home.

The light of my darkness and your darkness too.

It’s funny how some folks become so obsessed with one type of ‘so called transgression’ that it would seem nothing else matters.

They turn into hateful beings and lose the plot completely. You watch on the sidelines as they become these sad, bitter, vindictive, soul less beings pointing their accusing fingers at you.

In the mean time they become negative and so absorbed in their idea of right and wrong, that love ceases to exist within them. A very heavy, dark hole replaces where their warm heart should be.

You lose every ounce of respect for them. They fail to come down from their righteous high horses to look reality in the face. Maybe occupying one’s self with the business of another will hide what they fear to discover.

Is it that you’re so unhappy, that everyone else should wallow in misery? It’s time to face yourself in the mirror and accept what is. Hiding under institutions, sects, roles, parading to be what you are not, while trying to oppress those who want to be happy?

Oh don’t you try preaching to me, when behind closed doors, you are exactly what you’re trying to deny me.

Maybe we should break these doors that keep us from being free. Who are you to tell me who I should or shouldn’t be? Who are you to tell me what is and should be?
I’m smashing the doors and breaking free because this is me.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

It’s what you want but is it what you need?

I could waste my life away regretting things that I’ve done and things that I should have done but what would that change? ABSOUTELY NOTHING!!  We need to learn from the past and keep going. Looking back to reflect and go forward is healthy. Dwelling in that past is a disease that slowly eats away at our core. Breaking us bit by bit until we become nothing and wallow in self pity, blaming everyone and every thing. Do yourself a favour, give yourself an awakening.
Stop beating yourself up with your perceived failures. Have you ever stopped to think that it simply wasn’t meant to be? I know, sometimes it’s difficult to accept that what you want so badly, isn’t what you need.

Take time for yourself so you can regroup, evaluate, reflect, and go forward. Don’t give up on dreams but listen to your heart. It directs you in perfect timing.