Tag Archive | restriction

Your shackles won’t restrict me.

I’m sick and tired of your excuses, your reasoning, your half arse explanations of how YOU think I should live my life.

Yes you, what justifies your reasoning? Where do you get off trying to dictate every move I make.

How can you say and preach of love when your action spells hate. How can you spread love , when you merely tolerate.

You think you understand things you know nothing about. You try and take Kingdom come from others, not living the will be done on Earth.

When you see me walk the streets, you let me be.
When you see me smile walking hand in hand with my head held high and my heart so free, you let me be.

May you open your eyes and look beyond your eyes, maybe then your heart will understand what your mind fails to.

I’m the mean time, let me be.
These chains you’re trying to put on, they can’t fit me because I AM FREE!!

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