Unconditional Love

This past week has been really tough.
Life isn’t always easy but I am so thankful for unconditional love.
It’s what has kept me going and still keeps me believing that all will be well.
I never knew that so many people could and would choose to show up for me like they’ve done.

If I ever doubted how much I am loved, I now know that I am.
I have always felt at home, safe and well loved in this relationship and this week proved me right.
It’s also an exceptional bonus to feel this love from friends and family.

I want to open up my heart in gratitude and love to say thank you to my support team.
Though the road is tough, with you by my side, I know that I can make it.

I am ready for new beginnings and to hopefully look forward to the future with dreams and desires being fulfilled.

We can’t always walk our path alone and it isn’t weak to need support.
Life is about love, being there for each other and showing up.
Love makes the tough times easier. The days when the tears won’t stop and heart breaks over and over filled with fear, pain and sadness, love picks us up .

Thank you love for picking me up. For the snuggles, cuddles and words of encouragement.

I am so very grateful for love.

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