Tag Archive | rainbows

Poetic Healings

There are days when you will feelĀ like giving up .

Like the world is crashing around you and nothing seems to be going right.
Stay strong and think of your desired outcome.

Life will lead to paths unknown but do not let fear kill your passionĀ .

Keep creating, keep setting goals, be determined and always, always keep moving forward.

The sun will shine again.
Be grateful for another day.
Focus on the things you want in life.
Pick yourself up, love yourself and be positive.

Love & Light

Posted from WordPress for Android



Growing up, we were programmed to behave in a certain manner. We were taught to become people pleasers instead of being our authentic self.
The, be quiets even when you had something to say, you’re supposed to laugh this way, you can’t wear this, you can’t say that, this is what you need to believe . If you ever questioned anything, you were deemed a rebel and that you should do as told without question… And we wonder why the world is so filled with problems, why depression and stress eats away at our soul while the true self is fighting to be heard.

Everyone has a moral code and belief system, some of it change overtime from seeking,  some just accept any and everything.  We measure,  but by whose standards,  I can’t tell.

Some find it easier to dictate to others or point at their perceived faults, as it removes the focus on them and their own inner conflict.

This day, I stand strong, even if I stand alone.
Thanks but no thanks for offering your code of conduct and unsolicited path. I will be who I am. It’s okay to make mistakes,  that’s part of life.

Experience isn’t always filled with heartache. We need to look on the bright side. Even after a storm rainbows paint the sky.
It’s okay to ask questions.

Be who you are, live your truth, open your heart to new understanding and don’t miss out because of fear, prejudice or ignorance.

Everyone has an opinion but at the end of the day, we all have to make decisions that are best for us.
Life is about being fearless,  taking risks and living in the moment.

So be yourself, be brave, be true, be love and give love no matter what. Be open to opportunities in love and every aspect of life.

This is it!
Cease the moment and live your dream.

Love and light.

Posted from WordPress for Android

One of those days

It’s one of those days where one feels like none of their efforts actually mean anything. One begins to question everything.

This too shall pass because I am looking for my rainbow in the cloud. I know I give everything my best. I do the best I can in any given situation and that’s all I can do.

If it’s not enough then it is what it is and I will accept the results knowing full well that I gave it my all.

Could do without feeling like shite really. I suppose certain things do matter in the end.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone