Tag Archive | hard working

Living in Gratitude

In this present moment I am deeply and profoundly grateful for everything and everyone in my life. My heart swells and warms when I think of how blessed I am to be alive, to have wonderful friends, a very loving and considerate partner, our babies, but most of all for learning more about myself and life, and how much more humble, compassionate and loving I have become through life experiences. Thank you Universe and Almighty for these life lessons. I am indeed grateful

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The Greed Culture

A world of greed will get us no where fast.
The ‘I WANT IT NOW CULTURE!’ A bloody pain in the neck.
Why, oh why, can’t we take the time and work hard for what we want? Why has everything got to be RIGHT NOW?
It’s okay to not have the biggest and newest of everything.
Kids are deprived of their right to be loved, because we are so busy running after the materialistic things, we forget to nurture them, love them, teach them the value of things, of others. Is it worth the heartache when life finally catches up? The stress, the problems that come with the stress, the headache, the heartache and goodness knows what else.

I am not disputing the fact that when people work hard, they should reward themselves by having a comfortable life, buying lovely or expensive things or going out for lovely dinners or enjoying wonderful holidays. My issue is, when the only thing we can see or think of is the materialistic side of life and begin to lose our soul. Who we are become lost in the what we have or what we can get.

For all of us suffering from the bigger and better syndrome at all cost, I pray that our children, grandchildren, friends and family won’t suffer from the back lash. It’s time to set priorities and decide what matters. When we leave this earth, whether we are buried with our treasures or not, they won’t be of any use to us. So why don’t we spend time treasuring those precious people in our lives?

By all means have good work ethics and strive for the best, but create a balance. Of what use is all the accumulated things if we can’t even spend a minute or two enjoying them with the people we love? It is sometimes said that ‘LOVE WON’T FEED ME WHEN I AM HUNGRY’, but when you’re on your last days I am telling you, Love is what you will need to comfort you and take you peacefully into your journey home.

In short, I say everything you get to do, you must do it to the best of your ability,but always bare in mind that ‘TOO MUCH OF ONE THING IS GOOD FOR NOTHING’.