Tag Archive | beginnings

Pondering On The Eve

On the eve of a new year
I trust that the year in review, whatever it maybe, will act as a springboard to propel us all forward.

Like everything,  2013 came with its hills and valleys, mountains and ridges,  but what doesn’t kill us serves to make us much stronger.

2013, you are what you are/ were, so as you come to a climax, we are setting the precedence for the year ahead.

May 2014 be the year dreams come true, all manner of relationships  are strengthened or tweaked. May this year be our year of being blessed and highly favoured. May we live in abundance and live life abundantly. May we not make resolutions that will be easily broken, but look deep within and find our souls, so we can be at our very best.  May we be happy and  healthy in mind, body and spirit,  and may a true peace and joy envelope us, as we fearlessly face the universe asking for whatever desires are placed in our hearts,  knowing that they can be granted even when the odds may be against us.

2014, let it be a year to ask and go after what we want and need, with the belief that it will be granted. This is your year of ‘ask, believe, receive ‘.

No matter how you ring in this New Year’s eve, look onwards towards new, positive beginnings. Look at your dreams with eyes of splendour and the heart of a child.

It’s a privilege  to be alive.
An opportunity to wish, to dream, to be proactive.
Go make things happen.
Be safe.
Happy New Year all.
Love and Light xxx

Seeds Of Hope


Today I plant my feet on determined soil.

 I claim my blessings and face my fears. Let it begin today.

Let me walk with my hopes and dreams in my heart, as I step forward in faith.

For all those ‘impossibles’, it’s time to turn them into the ‘possibles’. Let the walls  come down.

Today I renew my thoughts so that I can start afresh. I will find the positive in everything.

I will be flexible, going into bends and when the boat is rocking, I will still be riding high.

I will wipe out shame and disappointment and create my sunrise.

This is the day of new beginnings. Times of gloom and being defeated are now gone.

It’s up to me to get up and walk, stand up and fight, to face my fears and walk into my triumph.

Today I take life by the hand/; The good, the bad, the in-between. The known, the unknown, the bitter with the sweet. 

Today I walk with purpose and I walk with a mission because all negativity must now flee.

Today I begin to live for me.

As I come into my own, today is the beginning of the rest of my life.

Watch me paint a new canvas and recreate my story. Today I choose my ending as I enjoy the journey between.

Today I live, today I breathe, today I smile.