Tag Archive | be who you are

Living outside the box

These past few weeks have got me thinking about life and living to the fullest.
Too often we let other people dictate our lives.
It’s time we toughen up and be who we are all the way.
Never apologise for who you are. Be proud, be confident and love you first.

Majority of the problems in this world is because so many people keep trying to tell each other how to live, spend too much time pointing out mistakes rather than highlighting positives.

We are allowed to make mistakes, to grow, to have experiences that can teach others without chastising them.

Not everyone will fit into certain roles. Even  the dreams our parents have for us aren’t the dreams we have for ourselves.
It’s okay to be different.

Life is about variety and this is what makes it so beautiful.
Don’t hide yourself away , nor assume that other people are better than you.
Financial status doesn’t make us who we are.
It’s what’s inside that counts.
Yes, money can make life easier and there is nothing wrong with having it . By all means we should use it to help others when we can, enjoy our lives , and go on adventures.
The problem is being defined by  circumstances and so called status.

All lives matter.
Let us be human beings first.
What happened to compassion, love, unity and kindness.
What about peace and happiness.

Let us stand firm , open our hearts and minds and be great thinkers. Let us all live in love and compassion and express ourselves openly creatively and freely.

Live outside the box and be not confined nor conform to societal pressures.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Be me be free!



Break free from thy inner prison.

So many times we let other people dictate to us.

How we should live, how we should dress, how we should speak, act and even love.

In the end, does it really matter what they think?

Do other people’s opinion really matter?

Are you going to be held prisoner by people who barely know you? People who don’t even care to know you, or about your state of being.

The question is, when are you going to live for you?

When are you going to do the things that make you happy?

When are you going to be who you are, instead of what others want you to be?

Why are you trying to please people who themselves, don’t know who they are, or what they want in life?

Do you plan to live in misery as a sign of sympathy to those who have no goals, no dreams, no aspirations and all they know to do is to spend their days critiquing just so they can distract themselves from their sad lonely lives?


When are you going to be you?

When are you going to be happy?

When are you going to free yourself from the prison that you have built for yourself?

When are you going to find the answers that you need rather than be brainwashed by others?

You were born to seek, so don’t be misled by anyone.

Find who you are,

Know who you are.

Remember who you are.

No one else can do that like you.

Love you!Image