Missing you

I miss you A LOT.
iLoveYou more.
Tonight it feels like I am missing a part of me. Excited to do what I’m doing but sometimes feel so empty.
How the heck is this going to get easier.
I feel sad, because I remember the pain I saw in your eyes before I left, and though I was already missing you before I left you, I neededbto be brave so I wouldn’t break down.
Maybe I am more emotional because I am very tired. My insomnia is bad and I barely sleep but a few hours.
I don’t know how best to explain this feeling, bursting from inside. I didn’t think I could love you more. Even when I am a moody cow, you put up with it all. I guess that’s what make us work. Me being so serious and you a comedian, but you know you catch a glimpse of crazy now and then. So I guess I deviated to ease my pain, then again It’s my thoughts my feelings, there’s no right or wrong. So what I was saying is that I really miss you, I absolutely adore you and I wish I was home. I hate feeling so lost without you. I miss your naked body next to mine as I drift off. I hate not finding you in the middle of the night.
I am counting the days till I am home.
iLoveYou Sunshine and grateful for every little wonder. Every moment that makes me, make you. Keep my side warm…

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