Tag Archive | positive quotes

Nurturing Strengths


Fighting Spirit

There’s a fighting spirit inside each of us. Some may have greater desire than others, but it’s all there. Tap into that extra strength when you feel at your wits end.

It’s hard to keep going but don’t give up. Everytime you fall, get up and rise stronger. You were born to prosper so let no one tell you other wise.

Some people lack that extra boost for many reasons. It may be that they don’t want what you want badly enough. Maybe they’re scared of their potential. Maybe they’ve come to accept all the negative things they’ve been told . Don’t you be that person. Keep on believing and working towards your dreams.

You see, we give up because we want everything ‘right now’. Be patient and know that everything comes in perfect timing. We are all on a different journey, so we’re led to different paths. Whether people agree or disagree with your ideologies or your way of life, it’s not your business. Keep being your best person and be true to yourself.

Never deny your dreams, because others are not brave enough to pursue theirs. You will make it, if you want it enough, do all it takes. Don’t fall asleep on your dreams to later wish. You’ve got what it takes. Summon the fighting spirit within.

Love & Light

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