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Absolutely Passionate


It is said that if we surround ourself with positive people, we will be much happier and productive.

Well this weekend I was blessed and feel so grateful to have spent quality time with a kindred soul .

Let’s just say that, although our skills are sort of different, some of our interests and ambitions are similar.

I think the universe coordinated this meeting because I needed to put an end to my procrastination . No more dreaming up ideas then abandon them along the way. It’s time to go in guns blazing and get the job done. It’s ‘go big or go home’, time for me .


I will tell you exactly where I am coming from because some of you may be able to relate. As a child, I have always had this burning passion, this fire within to go out and do extra ordinary things but fear and (circumstances ) have always pulled the brakes on my plans and intentions. There was always something to get in the way when I started  a new book, started to discover new interests, started doing poetry, when I thought of something new or just  exploring my gifts and talents… The list goes on but I am sure you catch my drift.

More than anything in the world, writing has been that one constant that put fire in my belly. writing passionJust as important as   breathing, eating and sleeping,  not just for writing sake, but to create content that will help others to grow in a positive way.


This has been my go to place when I felt like my world was coming apart (looking back, fear surely stunted my growth) However, I am thankful for another opportunity to quench that fire inside of me. there is so much to learn, to experience and to give in the form of writing but I allowed self-doubt, other people’s opinions and every factor that would work against me to cloud my judgement and shy away from what I know I am more than capable of achieving.

I now understand that in life there will always be criticism. Everyone will not agree with you, nor share your opinion and ambition. That’s okay! We were created to be unique anyway. 

In the end, no matter how many self-help books we read, videos we watch, workshops we attend, if we do not take that step forward, everything will remain in the pipeline and corrode. Lets not create a state of stagnant, but allow for things to flow.

It’s time for action.

It’s that time!

A lot of people may suggest that you aren’t capable or worthy. I am here to say to those people to put up or shut up! If you have nothing positive to say, then be quiet.
dreams people
I am not trying to be mean here at all, but I have come to the point where I know for a fact that many a time when everyone else thinks that the timing is wrong, it’s just about the right time to seize the opportunity and run with an idea. In this life we have to be ruthless, fearless, determined and inspired. 


There are times when our well of inspiration runs rather dry and someone comes along and inspires us to be all we can be, so be a dream catcher.
It’s not about fantasy but putting our shoulders to the wheel to create, create, create. Like everything there is a season and this is the season for creating, growing, learning and moving forward.

At times, one comes to the point in life, where he or she is  fed up of making the same mistakes, being stagnant in life,  accomplishing  nothing, being scared of all the ‘what ifs’, of what others may say, of failure. It’s time if I may borrow from the NIKE quote, to”Just do it”.


If you want to come along with me to the journey of making dreams come true, building not breaking, creating and succeeding, then let’s do this together. This is my time and if it is yours, then come along and if it isn’t , all the best when you begin your journey.

I feel enlightened and inspired because there is a fire burning within.The Universe has spoken. 

It’s my time to do what it takes to get to where I need to be.

It’s my time to spend more time on things that will build me not distract me.

It’s my time to surround myself with people who have goals and dreams in life and are willing to take bold steps forward.

It’s time to put the seed into the ground.

I am willing to invest so I can harvest.



The fire that burns my passion

The fire that burns my passion

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